Wednesday 31 December 2014


He often drifted into a whirlpool of questions, What was His role in this world?
How far had He played out that role? Where Had He come from, where was He going?
He had serial memories of the past, lucid visualizations of a future, strangely woven together into a spiritual Déjà vu. A tizzy mix of past life regression and peeps into future progressions, would become His surreal but thrilling ‘ mind ride’.
The whirlpool of imagination was actually like a trance that revealed to Him the matrix of the entire Universe.
It was as though time and space danced around Him in astral dimensions to rouse his own ancient rhythm.A dance that led Him to an understanding of how the entire Universe, all things, anything at all that existed came into being. Or then it was like a flight, which, after cruising across the most surreal skies, always arrived consistently and without any landing error to the place where it had always been.
That it was the first time he went into trance, was a self contradicting phenomenon - The trance itself showed Him that there had been more. It was true that He remembered it as his first time, but equally true that it had the characteristic of sequence, enveloped in the comforting certainty that it was just one of many that had happened before. No matter what new adventure a trance would embark on, each time It always seemed to reach the same end: He was the beginning of all things,He, was causation itself.
As he realized it was He Himself, all along who envisioned all the play, a wide smile crossed his face.
It was apt to call it a trip.

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