Sunday 8 February 2015

Change Your Thoughts Patterns For A Healthier You Tomorrow

Look into the eyes of the goats, or even the chicken, cows, dogs. Look into their eyes. This entire creation is filled with love, and how people can slaughter them to fill their little tummy. It is not even healthy. This is unfortunate.
Change Your Thoughts Patterns For A Healthier You Tomorrow
When we have negative thoughts, we produce toxic responses in our body that make us sick. Make a conscious effort to change your thought patterns today for a healthier you tomorrow.
Seeing past the negative in life is absolutely dire if you are to see everything in life that you need to see. If you choose to focus on the adversity that you are about to face, if you choose to focus on the negative things that people have to say, and the lack of resources you may have to get to where you want to be in life, then you will never have enough focus to get to your dreams.
When negative circumstances come your way, make the right choice, and choose to pay no attention to anything but the prize. Seeing the positive in every situation is very helpful in steering one's mind away from the negative circumstances that are sure to arise when one is making great attempts at making his or her life better. Turn a blind eye to the negative influences life will tempt you to dwell on, see past the negative, and give your attention to the dreams you have set for yourself.
Effects of Positive and Negative Thinking By Emmanuel Mallo
It is possible to control the quality of your thinking. This contributes more to how you feel than any other factor. It is a widespread but false belief that you have to change your feelings in order to change how you think; it is actually the other way around. Keep track of just how many negative thoughts you are actually having... By Emmanuel Mallo
All good qualities that you see in the world today come from the divine. And bad qualities or habits come from an ignorance of the divine.
See as to how many people are comfortable with you. You can do a survey about yourself and see how many people you make happy and comfortable? If you dislike people, you will find you are not friendly.
Om Namah Shivay

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