Thursday 5 February 2015

Seven Levels of Existence

Seven Levels of Existence
There are seven levels of existence: the (physical) body, the breath, the mind, the intellect, the memory, the ego and the self.
Is your mind here at this moment? Are you all here? Are you listening attentively to what I am saying? Or is your mind wandering somewhere else?
Your mind must be present here, right now. The faculty that helps you hear, see, taste, smell and touch is the mind. Then comes the Intellect.
The intellect is the faculty that helps us decide whether something we hear is nice or not; whether something we taste is to our liking or not.
Then come the memory or Chitta. It is that faculty that helps us remember all that we perceive and understand through our senses and the intellect. Events leave their impressions on the Chitta.
Then comes the ego, and finally the soul or the self. If we gain a little deeper understanding of these seven faculties of our existence, then it can bring about a great transformation in our lives.
When you gain this knowledge about the levels of your existence, then you start blossoming with joy from within.
Which is your favorite flower?
Guruji : Every flower that blossoms.
Spirituality is that which takes you deeper within yourself and also enables you to bring peace and happiness to others around us.
In life, each one of us becomes a Guru for someone or the other. What does being a Guru mean? A Guru desires nothing from you except your well-being and progress on the path. That is the Guru Tattva. You will surely have to play the role of a Guru in someone’s life.
Om Namah Shivay

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