Sunday 16 August 2015

Give God the Glory for everything in your life. We cannot prosper without Him.

Give God the Glory for everything in your life. We cannot prosper without Him. "Who am I? I m nothing but an instrument in his hand, whatever I do is his will and his grace! Without his will not a single leaf can move!" Yes, humble yourself by admitting that there is One who is greater than yourself! Humility is a great gift, bestowed upon only those who choose to stay close to HIM. Bow down, humble yourself before him and he will lift you up. Let go off pride, arrogance and ego. Be in the state of ego-less-ness in meditation, lose the illusion of separation to become a drop in the ocean of love.
Once ego is dropped, Our heart becomes blissful because the ego stops sitting upon the spirit which resides within. Even the Bhakti of egotist is regarded as demonic. Simple hearted humble people don't have complicated egos therefore their hearts are free to love and to percieve Gods love. "Whatever is happening in my life, it's all HIM, because of HIM, with his will and grace..who am I otherwise!!" Bring complete transformation and be one with God, and the heart glows with the feelings that it brings. Let the ego die allowing God the rightful place in your heart. Only then can you feel the real bliss!

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