Sunday 2 August 2015

To those who are struggling, Things may seem rough right now. But remember nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles. Things will get better. Keep pushing forward.

To those who are struggling, Things may seem rough right now. But remember nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles. Things will get better. Keep pushing forward. You may feel like nobody really cares, but you’re wrong. There are people who care,You’re not alone. we’re all going through similar challenges. Realise that self-pity is not helpful. Life is not about feeling sorry for yourself. It’s about forgiveness, acceptance and looking forward to what makes you stronger and better off in the long run. You need to toughen up. The strongest, happiest, most successful people are not those who always win, but those who don’t give up when they lose. So keep calm and Pray to Shiva. Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have, the key to lords heart! You may feel weak, but your spirit is strong, your lord is strong. When things are tough, you must be tougher. Don’t pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a hard one that leads to success and happiness.! Love, Light & Peace ~ Om Namah Shivaya ~ Jai Shiva Shankar!! 

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