Friday 7 October 2016


Life went on harmoniously, easily, peacefully, with no worries.
One thing nagged Him, however : He never got to the mystery of the woman. 
She appeared daily, without fail, at the end of each meditation. So much so, He had come to know Her as the end of all things. And yet, as the high priest had said, She was ‘Isness’. Sati. She who ‘Is’.
But She never manifested even once outside the meditations. It was as if She was building up a tremendous amount of energy all this while; taking Her time to explode into a magnificent manifestation. One, that the whole universe would never have seen before. That is what Rudra started wanting: For Sati to actually manifest.
When the want becomes so much, it happens. One day, She came in His meditation and even as He stared at Her, She returned the stare with an enchanting smile. Rudra edged His way towards Her, like a man might do in a desert, edging towards the water that will give life. He had been meditating ceaselessly for seven nights and the result was that even in His thoughts, He was staggering.
“Who are you?” He finally asked.
“I am you, Rudra,” She said. “But to make things simpler, I am Sati.”
“I love you,” Rudra uttered, surprising even Himself. “I have been dreaming of you even though we have never met. How do you know my name?”
“I love you too, Rudra. You say we have never met. The truth is, we have never been apart. Ever.”

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