Friday 10 February 2017

An interesting point was presented when it comes to erecting religious momuments.

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An interesting point was presented when it comes to erecting religious momuments.
The point was "Why waste money on building statues and temples when you can use the money to feed the poor?"
The point is valid, but missing something.
If you want to help the poor, you do not just give them food, you give them jobs. Building temples and statues employs a lot of skilled labour and craftsmen whose skill and opportunity, their livelihood is precisely on temple and statues.
But, there's more.
Once a notable and large temple is built, watch the economy of the area grow accordingly, people will travel to visit, hotels, restaurants, build in the area. You now have a new tourist destination.
Are temples a waste of money? NOT AT ALL! :) In fact, temples serve A MULTITUDE OF PURPOSE spiritually, giving people moral reminders, uplifting ones outlook and life, and improving and providing jobs to the people in the area.
You see, countries that grow and succeed did not grow and succeed from charity.
Charity is temporary. Charity is meant to aid people while we find them an opportunity for them to fulfil their dharma, their potential.
If you want to uplift the poor, UPLIFT THE ECONOMY.
Don't complain about the rich not being charitable, or others not being charitable.
In fact, invest in education and infrastructure. Create more tourist destinations, improve safety and cleanliness.
The best economy, the most active economy, is one where people earn and spend, where money constantly circulates.
Om Namah Shiva

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