Friday 10 February 2017

Ganesha is the elephant-headed God that is beloved by nearly all Hindus.

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Ganesha is the elephant-headed God that is beloved by nearly all Hindus. Regardless of sect, branch, region, or family, it would be rare to find a Hindu who doesn't have a Ganesh murti or some type of Ganesh symbol. Ganesha is known as the remover of obstacles (Vighneshwara). He is the one to pray to before starting any new endeavour. Often he is also honoured first before starting any other form of worship. He also protects homes and cars. It’s not unusual for people to place a Ganesh statue or medallion on the front dash of their cars. Ganesha is also associated with learning and study. It is he who transcribes the Mahabharata while the poet Vyasa recites it.
Whether one is concerned with the successful performance of a religious ceremony, the purchase of a new vehicle, the writing of an examination, the chanting of devotional hymns, or the beginning a business, Ganesha is worshipped. It is widely believed that wherever Ganesha is present, there is success and prosperity. By calling on him, people believe that he will come to their aid and grant them success in whatever endeavors they might be making.
In Hindu temples, Mantras such as Om Gaแนƒ Ganapataye Namah ("Om, salutation to the Illustrious Ganesha"), are often used to channel Ganesha. Another common form of Ganesha worship is performed by chanting the Ganesha Sahasranamas, which literally means "a thousand names of Ganesha." Each of the god's epithets symbolizes a different aspect of his divine personality, and so by chanting these worshipers are able to contemplate his various benevolent qualities. Offerings are commonly made to Ganesha, such as modaks (laddus). Because of his identification with the color red, he is often worshipped with ruddy objects or substances, such as red sandalwood paste or red flowers. The worship of Ganesha is considered complementary with the worship of other deities, thus, Hindus of all sects begin prayers, important undertakings, and religious ceremonies with an invocation of Ganesha.! ๐Ÿ˜
Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaya ~ Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป❤️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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