Saturday 4 February 2017

Sometimes you have to die a little on the inside first in order to be reborn and rise again as stronger and smarter version of yourself.

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Sometimes you have to die a little on the inside first in order to be reborn and rise again as stronger and smarter version of yourself. 🕉📿🕉 Namaste Beautiful Souls. It's time for Weekend Vibes. 📿🌀📿 To anyone who is struggling with any situation , just remember we are all here to learn lessons which will stand us in good stead in the future. Whilst things may feel terrible at the time, nothing lasts forever, and looking back a couple of years in time, you will probably recognise that you have had to go through certain circumstances to put you on a new and often far better path. Yes, know that the problems are a part of life. Learn from it, adapt and grow! You will only emerge out more stronger. Struggling with problems is natural part of growing, recognise it. It's ok to fall apart for a little while. We all do. So spend your time wisely, without lamenting. Start appreciating, every moment you get is a gift, it's denied to many. Don't waste dwelling on unhappy things. You will fail sometimes. The faster you accept this, the faster you will bounce back. So learn what you can. Don't let the one dark cloud cover the entire sky. Realise that Difficulties in your life don't come to destroy you, but to help you realize your hidden potential! Keep calm and Enjoy what Mahadev gives you, good or bad. Remember he will never give you anything that you can't handle! Start believing that things are going to change for the better. Shiva knows what your silent heart wants. Even if you don't include it in your prayers. He hears what your heart whispers. He may not give it to you now but someday, when you least expect it, things will happen in the best possible way. So keep chanting his name and pray. Persistent prayers get his attention. It's only through faith that God answers prayers. Never loose hope, He has not forgotten you, He is closer to you now more than you can imagine, because He loves you very much, and the best is yet to come for you.! Love, Light & Peace! Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev ~ Om Namah Shivaya!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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