Tuesday 14 May 2013

The Mahabharata tells the story of Yayati and Shantanu

Photo: महादेव शंकर हैं जग से निराले,
बड़े सीधे साधे बड़े भोले भाले।
मेरे मन के मदिर में रहते हैं शिव जी,
यह मेरे नयन हैं उनही के शिवालय॥

बनालो उन्हें अपने जीवन की आशा,
सदा दूर तुमसे रहेगी निराश।
बिना मांगे वरदान तुमको मिलेगा,
समझते हैं वो तो हरेक की मन की भाषा॥
वो उनके हैं जो उनको अपना बनाले...

जिधर देखो शिव की है महिमा निराली,
यह दाता है और सारी दुनिया सवाली।
जो इस द्वार पे अपना विशवास कर ले,
तो पल भर में भर जायेगी झोली खाली॥
उनही के अँधेरे, उनही के उजाले...
महादेव शंकर हैं जग से निराले
बड़े सीधे साधे बड़े भोले भाले।

Om Namah Shivay. ***Write " Om Namah Shivay "in the comments box if you ask for God's blessing on your life today. 

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The Mahabharata tells the story of Yayati and Shantanu, the rejection of Yadu in favor of Puru, and the great sacrifice of Bhisma - all becoming the root cause of the horrific Kurukshetra war, in Ramayana, the case is different. Ram obeys his father and endures forest exile for 14 years. When he returns, the father is dead and he is crowned king. What follows is the perfect rule. In both cases, the sons obey their father. But while in The Ramayana, the result is glorious, in The Mahabharata, the result is tragedy. In The Ramayana, the son is asked to suffer exile so that the father can keep his word and so uphold the integrity of the royal family. In The Mahabharata, the sons are asked to suffer so that the father can enjoy pleasure.So the point is not obedience. The point is whether this obedience is rooted in the desire to uphold order, or the desire to gratify the self. In Ramayana, the ultimate reference point is order or dharma; in the Mahabharata, the ultimate reference point is pleasure or kama. If obedience is for dharma, then prosperity will follow. If it is for kama, then collapse is inevitable.

Om Namah Shivay.

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