Saturday 1 June 2013

De-clutter your mind

De-clutter your mind : 

Yoga practices are primarily practices of purification. Purification here means reducing the content of the mind. When there is too much stuff in the mind, the space, as context, seems to reduce. When the content is reduced, then the context ‘seems’ to expand.

Leadership is Creativity

Creativity and innovation are not possible without this expanded space, without this broad-mindedness, this balanced view. One can also call it the response from the heart. This applies to, and is, the basis of creative leadership.


There are two basic metaphors in physical yoga practices. One is the metaphor of kundalini, which means the sublimation of energy. One learns to shift the prana or life force from the root chakra or earth plexus where the potential is in a dormant state, to the higher chakras located in the upper part of the spine. As this life force ascends in the spine, expanded states of understanding manifest spontaneously.

Hatha Yoga

The other metaphor of yoga practice is ‘Ha’ ‘Tha’ as in Hatha Yoga. ‘Ha’ refers to the sun channel, called the pingala nadi running along the right side of the spine. ‘Tha’ refers to the ida nadi or the moon channel running along the left side of the spinal column. These two channels represent the fundamental polarity in everybody: male or female, yin or yang, receptive or expressive, introverted or extroverted, positive or negative. It is said in the scriptures, when these two channels reach a state of balance, the third channel, the sushumna nadi, which runs through the middle of the spine, gets enlivened. When one begins the practice of Hatha Yoga, one understands that the word ‘balance’ has a very specific

State Of Balance

The beauty of physical yoga practice is that even if one does not understand the philosophy, a simple asana practice will create the state of balance, integration and harmony. Even if one is not interested in expansion, expanded states of consciousness will appear.

Yoga means to join

The word yoga comes from the root meaning ‘to join’. A better meaning would be to integrate, to come together, or harmonise. When any action is performed from a place of integration and harmony, the fruit of such an action reflects that integration. Creative leadership then flows naturally; is self-evident.

Subtle Shift

It is important to understand that the practices of yoga are many, but the state of yoga, the state of integration, is the same. A practice that suits us may depend a lot on the temperament and the chemistry that may exist between the teacher and the taught.

Some yoga centres lay more emphasis on breath and awareness, thus creating subtle shifts in the energy body. By developing the attention, one is able to actually observe the shifting of the life force.

Be Free Of Limiting Patterns

This kind of practice develops the penetrating attention that is needed to bring the embedded patterns to the surface. Simple, choiceless awareness of whatever comes up, allows healing to happen spontaneously. One is freed of one’s own limiting patterns. Leadership is freed to spontaneously serve
the need at hand, in the context of the big picture, for the benefit of all.

Om Namah Shivay.

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