Monday 10 June 2013

Vision Coupled With Action Alone Causes Transformation

Vision Coupled With Action Alone Causes Transformation :

Action without vision creates division. Vision without action is imagination. Vision with action leads to transformation. When the vision of oneness, a higher vision, is absent it creates divisions in the family, company, community, nation and the world. Self-importance is the cause for divisions at any level. In a family there are conflicts, in a company there is manipulation, in a community there is fanaticism, in a country each state wants its own independence and internationally there are wars. This is all because of the absence of vision of oneness -- one harmonious family, one strong nation, one peaceful global family.

When there is a great vision but nothing is done to implement it, it remains as imagination. There may be great spiritual knowledge and cultural glory -- yet we suffer because we need much more implementation and application of the knowledge. Hence vision coupled with action alone causes transformation.

Om Namah Shivay.

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