Tuesday 27 August 2013

!!!!!!!......Lord Shiva - Prambanan Temple - in Indonesia.........!!!!!! .......................UNESCO World Heritage Site....................

Photo: !!!!!!!......Lord Shiva  - Prambanan Temple  - in Indonesia.........!!!!!!
.......................UNESCO World Heritage Site....................

This temple, built by Rakai Pikatan of Mataram Kingdom in the 9th century, is not only one of the largest temples in SE Asia but is also the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia.

The name 'Prambanan' comes from the word 'Para Brahman' which in Javanese stands for the 'supreme brahmin'.

The temple is dedicated to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

It has a 47metre high building in the centre of a large complex and houses many individual temples.The temple dedicated to Lord Shiva is located in the innermost section of the compound and is the largest structure

!!!!!!!......Lord Shiva - Prambanan Temple - in Indonesia.........!!!!!!
.......................UNESCO World Heritage Site....................

This temple, built by Rakai Pikatan of Mataram Kingdom in the 9th century, is not only one of the largest temples in SE Asia but is also the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia.

The name 'Prambanan' comes from the word 'Para Brahman' which in Javanese stands for the 'supreme brahmin'.

The temple is dedicated to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

It has a 47metre high building in the centre of a large complex and houses many individual temples.The temple dedicated to Lord Shiva is located in the innermost section of the compound and is the largest structure

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