Thursday 4 December 2014

Remember to offer kindness

Photo: Remember to offer kindness

Cruel comments, sarcasm and harsh criticism never make anyone's day better. And being ignored can come off as the worst sort of mean. Being mindful of others' feelings is critical for a great leader to build a productive environment. The team will build a culture that follows the leader's demeanor. Treated them with care and consideration, even when they screw up. Then they will remember to do the same.

Om Namah Shivay

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Remember to offer kindness

Cruel comments, sarcasm and harsh criticism never make anyone's day better. And being ignored can come off as the worst sort of mean. Being mindful of others' feelings is critical for a great leader to build a productive environment. The team will build a culture that follows the leader's demeanor. Treated them with care and consideration, even when they screw up. Then they will remember to do the same.

Om Namah Shivay

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