Friday 16 September 2016

Pitru Paksha or Shraadh, starting September 16/17 and ending on October 1- 2016.

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Pitru Paksha or Shraadh, starting September 16/17 and ending on October 1- 2016.
Shraadh is a Sanskrit word, which literally means "anything done with sincerity and faith." "Shraadh" also means “Shraddha" which means unconditional reverence. The next life of a Jeeva is essentially determined by its previous Samskaras. Shraadh, as such, is performed with the objective that a Jeeva may attain a better life in its next birth. Performing Tarpan in Pitru Paksha or Shraadh is a way of remembering, thanksgiving and honouring the ancestors for whatever they have given to the present generations. It is a way of telling them that they are still an important part of the family and they still reside in our memories. Period of Shraadh is also known as Pitru Paksha. Pitru Dosha arises if one does not perform the rituals of Tarpan in Shraadh. The idea is to remember the ancestors with gratitude.
Every year, an important period of 16 days is dedicated to the ancestors or forefathers. Pitru Paksha is considered perfect for performing Tarpan rituals. It is believed that the rituals performed during Shraddh produces best results for pleasing the ancestors. Shraadh or Tarpan ritual is also performed on the death anniversary of the departed family member. His or her favourite food items and clothes are offered to Brahmins. Brahmins consume the food items and except the offerings and it is believed that finally they reached to our ancestors or forefathers. Pitru Paksha is considered as an inauspicious period for starting of any new venture and shopping of new clothes or any household item. People donate clothes and other items to Brahmins. people do not buy or wear new clothes and do not get a haircut during the period of Shraadh. On the day of this ritual, male members of the family do not even shave and women do not wash their hair on that particular day. Auspicious ceremonies are not performed during Shradhs.
Anna-Daan (offerings of food) is one of the greatest Daans. Before Shraadh, you do "Sankalp" which means, you are not offering this food for your own benefit but for the parents. Feeding the Brahmins is not the only way. You can feed the poor, the sick or orphans. Feeding the orphans is an excellent way to remember your ancestors. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Food offered in the Anna-Daan does not reach the dead, they get the good energies as a result of your good karmas. They, in turn send their blessings to the family!!
Om Namo Vishnave Prabha Vishnave ~ Om Namah Shivaya!

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