Saturday 23 September 2017

She alone is Atman.

Image may contain: 2 people, outdoor

 She alone is Atman. Other than Her is untruth, non-self. Hence is She Brahman-Consciousness, free from (even) a tinge of being and non- being. She is the Science of Consciousness, non-dual Brahman Consciousness, a wave of Being-Consciousness-Bliss.” ~Bahvricha Upanishad.
 I am First among those worthy of worship. I give True Wealth to the sacrificer who presses out the offering of devotion with attention. It is I Who have diffused Myself throughout existence and made Myself known as all the various Gods. I am the Queen of the Universe! Through Me alone all eat, breathe, see, and hear. Even if they know Me not, yet they dwell beside Me — hear from Me the Truth as I speak to you. I give birth toeven the supreme Father of this all.” ~ Rigveda.
Jai Maa Durga Jai Maa Shakti 💀🙏👁🙏💀
Shubh Ratri ❤️🕉❤️

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