Monday 20 May 2013



Remember there is a big difference between the dervishes, the children of true faith and those who are just fatalistic. First of all, a person of true faith gives his or her best to life, to the moment, to his or her Master. This is done without expectations of any sort. After that, whatever happens in his or her life, the person accepts it with grace and positive surrender. The dervish is not disgruntled or does not become negative or does not lose faith. In fact, he or she goes about life with the same intensity and love for the Master, more in fact, never less.

But a fatalistic person’s approach is remarkably different. This person uses the crutch of fate or destiny and not faith and surrender. A fatalist blames everything on destiny and God. Even the effort is never optimum, as the main philosophy of life is that effort and intention are overshadowed by planets and destiny and if all is destined, why overstretch for anything. If things don’t go their way, the attitude is always ‘what to do it wasn’t in my stars’ or ‘God didn’t want it so to hell with it’.

Remember, both these type of people leave it all to God but notice the difference. The dervish gives his or her best without the thought of reward and consequence and leaves the result gracefully to the Master and accepts with positive surrender all that life bestows as the will of the Master.

The fatalist never gives his or her best to life as the person believes that anyway all is destined by a God who is only interested in the balance sheet of karma, so do whatever you like but in the end, whatever has to happen will happen. This person does not accept things with positive surrender but more with resignation and helplessness; even negativity, frustration and defeat.

Thus, there is a difference of heaven and earth between positive surrender and a fatalistic approach to life.

Also the person with true faith, this dervish or instrument of the Master, may occasionally react normally or get agitated or upset or hurt with life and the outcome. But these are reactions; maybe temperamental outbursts. Like if somebody cuts you with a knife, however spiritual you may be, you will react with a yell or a scream or even hit back. That’s human. The important thing is after the initial reaction do you harbour ill-will, hate, anger in your mind and heart? Do you contemplate revenge? Do you accuse God and Master? Do you blame your Master for forsaking you? Do you keep asking ‘why me’?

Now compared to that, a person might yell out for a moment and then compose himself and forgive and be in total acceptance of the situation and accept all that has taken place with positive surrender. Remember, reaction is human, what you nurture and how you live with a situation decides where you stand spiritually and with your Master.

Om Namah Shivay. 

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