Tuesday 6 August 2013

A Passage from our forthcoming book on Lord Shiva (2)

Photo: Lord Shiva Nataraja!!

~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~
A Passage from our forthcoming book on Lord Shiva

He went the very next day. Unlike all the others, Shiva did not ever wait for a different phase of the moon to signal him his beginnings. He went by his own instinct and emotion, and this time it was overwhelming. It was a crisp morning, and Shiva was feeling good. He readied Nandi for a ride to Daksh’s palace. Nandi Himself, was in a hurry and charged in true bull fashion to their collective destiny. Together they made a momentous sight, the rider and ridden duo. Raising merry dust with their hooves , every moment relegated to the past. It was like the perfect symbolism of the ride of Time itself, as they rushed forwards to embrace the future.
And soon they reached the outskirts of Daksha’s kingdom. Nandi’s furious run was still heavy with the vigour of purpose, still robust with virility of expectation. Women plowing their rice fields looked up to see this unstoppable creature heralding His master just past their midst. They were here a moment, and off the fields the next. But the impression would be a life lasting one: The farmer women knew it was not just a rider that was being heralded, but a whole new time itself had arrived.

Once they reached the walled city, Nandi slowed down into a most majestic trot that outdid any stallion of a trained Royal cavalry . He was, after all the one man cavalry of the most royal of all beings. Both the men and the women who had come to the marketplace for their usual chores momentarily forgot what they had come for ,and found their gaze transfixed on this unusual sight. Shiva waved back happily at each man, bowing politely to each woman. Nandi thought it appropriate to bellow loudly and shake the bell around his neck, almost in a dance.
The effect was magic, all the marketgoers found their whole being rushing with an inexplicable joy that radiated visibly on their smiles.
Shiva and Nandi reached the Main gates of the palace.
“Who are you? What brings you here? ” asked the chief Guard politely, but firmly.
“We are here to see King Daksha” replied Nandi, as Shiva just smiled.
The guard was taken aback that the Bull could speak, nevertheless he managed to shoot his next interrogative,” What would you like to see The king for? You have to take a prior appointment, he has to meet many people on a daily basis, even heads of provinces have to await their turn, sometimes for days together”
“I bring to you no head of province, Guard” said Nandi a little louder,” I bring to you the supreme master of the mountains, the head of all heads, The great Lord Shiva Himself”

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