Monday 25 May 2015

All attainments are achieved by chanting the six syllable mantra, Aum Namah Shivaya.

* Om Namah Shivaya *
All attainments are achieved by chanting the six syllable mantra, Aum Namah Shivaya. By the onset of grace all are able to attain, in all circumstances, the wisdom of the Supreme Lord manifested in the form of hamsa (swan, ‪#‎symbol‬ of life , life-breath).
The five syllable mantra prefixed by Aum is the supreme among all mantras and is capable of fulfilling all the aspirations of the Shaiva devotee.
The mantra consisting of a few letters is the essence of the Veda, and is the bestower of both enjoyment and liberation. This mantra is only accomplished by His grace, and undoubtedly is the form of Shiva Himself. This mantra as the form of Shiva Himself is undoubtedly self-evident by this injunction.
This divine mantra is endowed with various spiritual attainments and is also pleasant to the common people, and possesses a specific esoteric meaning revealed by the Lord Himself.
This mantra can easily be pronounced and is the fulfiller of all desires. Yea, it is the essence of the Veda in a few syllables, and is the provider of both enjoyment and liberation.

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