Thursday 21 May 2015

Bell or Ghanti is an indispensable part in most Hindu pujas. Ghanti is sounded before the actual puja and worship begins. A well-designed Ghanti or bell produce long strains of the sound ‘OM.’

Bell or Ghanti is an indispensable part in most Hindu pujas. Ghanti is sounded before the actual puja and worship begins. A well-designed Ghanti or bell produce long strains of the sound ‘OM.’ A bell is rung in a Hindu temple, during the waving of light in front of the deity, while bathing the deity and while offering food. Hindu devotees on entering the temple also hit the bell hanged in front of the sanctum sanctorum. The bell is sounded to invite the deity to accept the worship and prayers. Another belief is that it is to drive away the evil forces. The sound made from a well-designed Ghanti is uninterrupted, reverberating, deep and sonorous. Symbolically, the body of the bell represents time, Ananta. The tongue of the bell symbolically represents Goddess Saraswathi. The handle of the Ghanti is considered to be the vital principle, Prana Shakti and symbolically represents Hanuman, Garuda, Nandi or Chakra. Even while doing the ritualistic aarati, we ring the bell. Before you enter temple, to awake you and prepare you for taste of awareness is the real reason behind temple bell. It helps to ring to wake yourself Up. Each of these bells is made to produce such a distinct sound that it can create unity of your left and right brain. The moment you ring that bell, bell produces sharp but lasting sound which lasts for minimum of seven seconds in echo mode good enough to touch your seven healing centres or chakras in your body. The moment bell sound happens your brain is emptied of all thoughts. Invariably you will enter state of Trance state where you are very receptive. This Trance state is the one with awareness. You are so occupied in mind that only way to awaken you is with a Shock! And Bell works as Anti-dote to your mind.
Om Namah Shivaya !

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