Tuesday 26 May 2015

Jai Shiva Shakti!

Jai Shiva Shakti!
“The supreme principle that is ‘Shiva along with Divine Energy (Shakti)’ is the ultimate truth. Divine Energy is not distinct from Shiva but is present in Him. Her external active form is sometimes gross or subtle and at other times manifest or unmanifest. The cycle of the universe is maintained by Her subtle or magnified form. Although Shiva is the support of the subtle body and the universe, without Divine Energy which is in the form of ‘i’ in Shiva, He is as good as a corpse (shava).
Shiva along with Divine Energy creates everything. Just as moonlight cannot be separated from the moon so also Shiva’s Energy cannot be distinct from Him. When She manifests in the universal form, in reality Shiva alone is the creator, sustainer and annihilator and when She is unmanifest Shiva is in a state of self-radiant non-duality. Divine Energy itself is considered as the Creator of the universe ‘(चीति:स्‍वतन्‍या विश्वसिद्धि हेतु:)’ meaning the Energy self-generated through the spiritual practice is the aim of each and every attainment.
She is a state of Absolute Consciousness. Despite being inseparable from Shiva She is the basic cause for creation of the universe. Her independence is the principle of vital energy. The totally radiant Supreme Soul (Parmatma) inspite of remaining in its original state sometimes manifests its infinite forms or its forms undergo dissolution due to this independent Energy. It is due to the divine sport of this Divine Energy that despite being one He appears to manifest in infinite forms. Shiva’s nature is one of the light of knowledge whereas Divine Energy is of the nature of ego. Shiva is full of divine consciousness whereas Divine Energy is responsible for generation of ego. Basically Shiva and Energy are of the nature of Absolute Consciousness and Bliss.
When The Supreme God wishes to create the universe He transforms Himself into two forms – Shiva and Divine Energy (Shakti). Shiva is of the nature of the light of knowledge while Divine Energy is of the nature of thought. At the creation of the universe this Divine Energy enlightens the universe whereas at the time of dissolution the same Energy assumes the destroyer aspect. This Divine Energy is also known as Absolute Consciousness (Chit), divine consciousness (chaitanya), freedom (svatantrya), doership (kartrutva) and energy of vibration (spanda). Consciousness (prama) exists as ‘I’ (aham) and ‘It’ (idam). The former represents Shiva and the latter, the Divine Energy (Shakti).
One can experience the radiance of knowledge that is the soul principle through intellect and in the enlightened state can one get the idea of the thought. Just as one cannot see one’s face without a mirror, so also without intellect one cannot realize the true nature of the radiance of knowledge, the soul. The shava (corpse) is disfigured and neither perceives any sensation nor consciousness. Similarly without Divine Energy, that is the intellect one cannot realize the soul. Infusion of the energy of life into a dead body induces divine consciousness in it. Similarly without Divine Energy that is the energy of life, Shiva, the soul principle will appear like a shava (corpse). Thus Shiva and Divine Energy are two sides of the same coin and are therefore inseparable.
‘The Shaivites considered that Shiva without Shakti to be but a corpse. In some fearsome Shaiva sects the form of Divine Energy, the deity is depicted as dancing on Shiva’s chest laying Him down on the ground.’
For the Shaivas (worshippers of Shiva) Purush means Lord Shiva and Prakruti means Divine Energy. However unlike the followers of the concept of Brahman the Shaivites do not consider Energy to be the Great Illusion (Maya) and hence as illusory since the very pervasiveness of Shiva Himself is this movable and unmovable (animate and inanimate) creation. How can that be unreal? Based on this concept their path of establishing communion with The Supreme God present in this movable and unmovable creation based on spiritual love appears to be entirely derived from devotion. Although yoga, penance and meditation are special features of the spiritual practice of the Shaivites yet undoubtedly devotion unto Lord Shiva has been accorded the prime seat in the populace.”

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