Tuesday 19 May 2015

Thousands of hands of Gandharvas can't cope up with the dance of Shiva, he who makes the whole universe dance on his wish. All Gods and goddesses appear to see and appreciate the fascinating dance of Shiva. The Rishis Over awed by his marvellous dance and his magnetic personality, throw themselves at his feet to become his deep ardent devotees. AtiShesh, the great serpent king was enchanted by his mystic dance. He retired to the forest to perform his severe austerities to obtain blessings and boons of Shiva witnessing the mystic dance again.‪

Thousands of hands of Gandharvas can't cope up with the dance of Shiva, he who makes the whole universe dance on his wish. All Gods and goddesses appear to see and appreciate the fascinating dance of Shiva. The Rishis Over awed by his marvellous dance and his magnetic personality, throw themselves at his feet to become his deep ardent devotees. AtiShesh, the great serpent king was enchanted by his mystic dance. He retired to the forest to perform his severe austerities to obtain blessings and boons of Shiva witnessing the mystic dance again.
Jai BholeNath ~ Boom Shankar!!!
Jai BholeNath ~ Boom Shankar!!!

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