Monday 27 July 2015

Just because there is one person who rejects you doesn’t mean you need to reject yourself. Just because some people choose to disregard your worth and treat you without kindness doesn’t mean everyone will, and it certainly doesn’t mean you have to imitate their behavior. ‪The truth is that the way other people treat us isn’t about us, it’s about them and their own struggles & insecurities. You don’t have to allow their judgment to become your truth.

Just because there is one person who rejects you doesn’t mean you need to reject yourself. Just because some people choose to disregard your worth and treat you without kindness doesn’t mean everyone will, and it certainly doesn’t mean you have to imitate their behavior. The truth is that the way other people treat us isn’t about us, it’s about them and their own struggles & insecurities. You don’t have to allow their judgment to become your truth. You may not be able to control what other people say or how they act, but you can always choose how you treat yourself. Don’t let others crush your dreams. Don’t walk away from these negative people… RUN! Good things happen when you distance yourself from negativity and all such people who mistreat you! Focus on how you feel about yourself, and do what you know in your heart is right. Be led by your dreams. Live the life you want to live. Be the person you want to remember years from now. You are strong, discover thyself! Be with who makes you smile. Laugh as much as you breathe. Celebrate your small victories. Learn from your mistakes. Realise that everything is a lesson in disguise. Forgive And let go of the things you can’t control! Love, Light & Peace! Boom Shankar!!

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