Monday 20 July 2015

Life is like a roller coaster. It takes many turns and some are unexpected. Sometimes we become terrified when something happens or does not happen. Such is the nature of fear. However, if we offer those fears to the Lord, if we constantly pray to Him to help us not forget about Him, as forgetting about Him would be placing ourselves in darkness, then that fear becomes spiritualized.

Life is like a roller coaster. It takes many turns and some are unexpected. Sometimes we become terrified when something happens or does not happen. Such is the nature of fear. However, if we offer those fears to the Lord, if we constantly pray to Him to help us not forget about Him, as forgetting about Him would be placing ourselves in darkness, then that fear becomes spiritualized. Things will happen, no doubt. We have no control over that. What we have control over, is how we react to them. To the degree we let them get to us, to that degree we will suffer more. Give your fears and sufferings to HIM and let him take care of the rest! Love, light & Gratitude ~ Jai Shiva Shankar ~ Om Namah Shivaya!

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