Wednesday 24 April 2013



There are four states of consciousness. 

The first is Awake state where mind, memory, intellect and ego are all active.

In the Sleep and Dream state, the mind and intellect shut down, the memory and ego are still working. That’s where the dreams come from and that’s how you do all sorts of crazy stuff in your dreams, because you don’t have the intellect telling you good, bad right, wrong… There is no discriminatory impulse in a dream. But you know YOU are dreaming or that YOU are sleeping. So the Ego is still active.

However in the Meditative state of consciousness, the mind, intellect, memory are all inactive. They all shut down. A very faint Ego remains – Just an almost imperceptible sense of I am here - and an absolutely euphoric experience of Bliss, of utter relaxation. This experience of the Infinite while still being in the very finite body is meditation. But understanding meditation?

For understanding anything, the intellect has to be active. To understand what you are reading right now, your intellect has to be on. Notice how you go yes/no to what’s written here according to the stuff stored in your memory.

To understand the majesty and grandeur of the Self, you would require the intellect to be active. By definition, to meditate, the intellect needs to shut down.

So, it would be an exercise in sheer futility to try to understand meditation.

Ironical huh?

Anyone can meditate. No one can understand what it is!

Om Namah Shivay.

source : FB

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