Monday 29 April 2013



There will be times when your partner disappoints you, lets you down, hurts your feelings, or betrays your trust. How can you reconnect when your heart and soul feel bruised.... This can be the most challenging task...yet it is also among the most necessary if you are to continue as an authentic couple.... We aspire to be our best selves with our partner, and when we fall short of the mark - which as humans we invariably do from time to time - it is disappointing. How do you deal with the hurt feelings you caused, inadvertently or otherwise? The best thing you can to take responsibility for your actions. When you refuse to own up to your part in hurting your partner’s feelings or injuring her pride, you add insult to injury.... The second best thing you can offer your beloved is a sincere apology, along with a well-thought-out explanation for why you did what you did. But do not say, “I am sorry”, if you do not mean it. You will only cause worse pain by issuing hollow sentiments.... If you do not feel this way, then rather than offering false platitudes, use your communication skills to offer your perspective and work through the impasse. Your partner will appreciate your candour. The act of forgiveness requires that you rise above your negative human feelings and release them in order to find your way back to the spiritual source of your being. No easy task, of course, but a very necessary one in the arena of love...

Om Namah Shivay. 

source : FB

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