Friday 19 April 2013



There are seven levels to our existence, from gross to subtle they are: 








The Body and breath are the manifest aspects of ourselves, the rest are unmanifest. We cannot touch, taste, smell, see or hear the others, but we know they exist.
We are all familiar with the body and the breath. Would be pretty tough reading this if you didn’t have a body, or were not breathing.

The mind is that which perceives the world through the five senses. While reading this, are your eyes reading it or are YOU reading it? When you hear something, what hears, your ears? Or You? If you wish someone to pay attention to you, would you say “Make your ears listen to me!?”. You will appeal to that aspect of their consciousness that perceives the world. This we call the mind.

We understand stuff with the intellect. The intellect is the discriminatory aspect of ourselves. It decides right, wrong, good, bad, pleasant, unpleasant. The memory is the storehouse of all our past experiences. These two play with each other and make you want or not want something.

The memory remembers fire = burn = painful. So the intellect warns you when you are near fire to be careful. The memory remembers Gulab Jamun = tasty = feel really good. So the intellect says go ahead eat it! They make you averse to something or crave something. So the intellect and memory decide how you respond or react to external stimuli.

You are not a random collection of cells, muscles, tissues put together for someone’s entertainment. There is someone sitting in here, in this body. As you read this, notice “YOU” are reading this. This “youness” is Ego. The Ego is the sense of “I am”. “I exist”.

The Self is that aspect of You which remains untouched by anything. The unchanging aspect of Your system.
The first great Sentence is that “Everything is changing”. But to recognize change, there needs to be some place stable, unchanging from where change can be perceived. This is the Self, and this is where all meditators aspire to get to and rest within.

source : FB

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