Sunday 28 April 2013

Laughter, The Best Medicine

Laughter, The Best Medicine

Seriousness has become almost part of our bones and blood. You will have to make some effort to get rid of seriousness, and you will have to be on the lookout — wherever you can find something humourous happening, don’t miss the opportunity.

Everywhere there are people who are slipping on banana peels — just nobody is looking at them. In fact, it is thought to be ungentlemanly. It is not, because only bananas slip on banana peels.

Laughter needs a great learning, and laughter is a great medicine. It can cure many of your tensions, anxieties, worries; the whole energy can flow into laughter. And there is no need that there should be some occasion, some cause. Even just sitting in your room, close the doors and have one hour of simple laughter. Laugh at yourself. But learn to laugh.

In one apartment house, people were puzzled about one thing. Every couple was fighting, throwing pillows, throwing things, breaking cups and saucers, shouting at each other, husbands beating wives, wives screaming. The only problem was with one gentleman.
From his flat, they never heard any one fighting; on the contrary, they always heard laughter.

So they caught hold of the fellow as he was coming from the market and said, “First you have to tell us that what the secret is — why do you laugh when everybody fights?” The fellow said, “What happens is, she throws things at me. If she misses, then I laugh; if she hits me then she laughs.” Seriousness is a sin.

source : FB

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