Friday 8 May 2015

Maa Kali is fearsome, ferocity, bloodthirsty, aggressive and dark. She is often depicted naked which symbolizes her being beyond the covering of Maya (illusion), since she is pure (nirguna) being-consciousness-bliss and far above Prakriti.

Maa Kali is fearsome, ferocity, bloodthirsty, aggressive and dark. She is often depicted naked which symbolizes her being beyond the covering of Maya (illusion), since she is pure (nirguna) being-consciousness-bliss and far above Prakriti. She is shown as very dark as she is Brahman in its supreme manifest state. She will continue to exist even when the universe ends. It is therefore believed that the concepts of color, light, good, bad do not apply to her. She is the pure, un-manifested energy, the Adi-shakti. Kali is the Goddess of Time and Change. Shiva is Kaal, Time, Death. thus, his consort is Kali. Kali is dark and Shiva is as white as camphor, “Karpur Gauram”. Kali is Prakriti and Shiva is Purush. Kali is inextricably linked with Shiva. The unleashed form of Kali often becomes wild and uncontrollable, and only Shiva is able to tame her just as only Kali can tame Shiva. Without Prakriti, Purusa is quite inactive. "Shiva without Shakti is Shava!". Both together are symbolism of creation and destruction, as death cannot exist without life, so life cannot exist without death. Shiva and Kali looks opposite, hence fit for new creation. For new creation, two opposite forces are required as to create electricity both negative and positive poles are required! Jai Maa Kali ~ Jai Shiva Shankar!

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