Friday 8 May 2015

Meditation ~ Clear your mind. Loosen yourself up.

Meditation ~ Clear your mind. Loosen yourself up. Take a few deep, slow breaths. Then, just sit back and observe the inner dialogue playing in your mind. Let them float by. Just observe; don’t engage. let your mind continue to think, but you don’t engage. You take the role of a passive observer and watch them from the back of your head. Various thoughts have always been present in your mind. And now through meditation, they are clearing out, one by one. After repeated meditations, you will gradually reach a new level of quietness. Meditate, till you feel cleansed, purified, refreshed and good to go. After meditating for a certain period, you will reach a point where your consciousness starts to shift above the physical reality. And you become detached from your physical self. The longer you meditate, the deeper the state you will be in and the higher the consciousness you will enter. Focus on Shivas image. Create a void by Letting go of all other thoughts. Replace your thoughts by focusing on Shiva, gently with no pressure, leading to replacement of other thoughts. Finally, that image or sound can be witnessed by disengaging the mind. Some people may like to use music or mantras while some prefer to just meditate in silence. Music or mantras does help to shift into a higher consciousness, it provides a focal point for you to focus on so you do not wander around in your thoughts. It vibrates at a higher level and this shifts you into a higher vibrational than the one you are normally in. To use mantras in formal meditation, focus while it's being played in music, chanted out loud or internally. If you’re saying the mantra out loud, then let the sound resonate in your chest. It will help if you take a deep breath into your belly before each mantra. Generally, mantras sound better if you can do each mantra with a single exhalation.
Peace & Light ~ Om Namah Shivaya !

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