Sunday 10 May 2015

Shiva means auspicious. Shiva's different names according to his different functions. When he expresses himself through space and time, he is known as Eshwara. He is called Sadashiva when he functions through air, which incorporates the principles of both sound and touch.

Shiva means auspicious. Shiva's different names according to his different functions. When he expresses himself through space and time, he is known as Eshwara. He is called Sadashiva when he functions through air, which incorporates the principles of both sound and touch. Shiva is known as Rudra when he operates through fire, which incorporates the principles of sound, touch and form. Agni became his form for Rudra is Agni, the fire. Rudra is called the father of the Maruts or Storm-gods. Furious Rudra appeared as Veerbhadra like a devastating fire on hearing news of Sati's immolation. Out of his one part emerged Rudrakali. "Spoil the sacrifice of Daksha", Then the mighty Veerbhadra, having heard the pleasure of his lord, bowed down his head to the feet of Shiva, and starting like a lion loosed from bonds, despoiled the sacrifice of Daksha, knowing that this had been created by the displeasure of Devi. She too in her wrath, as the fearful goddess Rudrakali, accompanied him, with all her train, to witness his deeds". Veerbhadra is the warrior aspect of Shiva, super creature created by his wrath when Lord stepped out to destroy the special puja called Achvametha Yagam being organized by Daksha. Veerabhadra was created with an intention for destructing ritualism, dogma and ignorance. The great warrior, Veerabhadra is the sublimation and manifestation of Shiva’s anger and impatience and hence is referred to as an aspect of Lord Shiva in blazing mood. Lord Veerabhadra also symbolises sharp power of discrimination, and his message is to open heart of the people without any kind of fear or prejudice. He destroys evil in order to save the good.

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