Friday 1 May 2015

Vairagya, Indifference and disenchantment with all worldly things. Shiva lives in the cremation grounds and smears himself with ashes. Shiva teaches that this body that we are so proud of will become ash one day.

Vairagya, Indifference and disenchantment with all worldly things. Shiva lives in the cremation grounds and smears himself with ashes. Shiva teaches that this body that we are so proud of will become ash one day. What better example could there be of disenchantment with the living world. Vairagya means sacrificing everything even while living, gives himself up to the funeral grounds, not expecting anything from the world. Vairagya is dispassion. Vairagya is detachment. Vairagya is indifference to sensual enjoyment. Vairagya is born of Viveka, or discrimination between Nitya and Anitya (Eternal and non-eternal), Sat and Asat (Real and unreal), Tattwa and Atattwa (Essence and non-essence). Viveka comes through selfless service done in several births and through worship and adoration of God and through the Grace of the Lord. From Viveka is born Vairagya. It gives spiritual strength. A man of Vairagya has no attraction for the material world. So Vairagya is a supreme, inexhaustible wealth for spiritual aspirants. Vairagya aids concentration of mind and generates strong yearning for Emancipation. Vairagya is a mental state whereby the mind does not run into sensual grooves. It moves towards Atman, towards God. You may live in a palace and yet have absolute Vairagya. Even amidst the temptations of the world when you are not affected by the attractive objects of the world. One may go to the forest renouncing the kingdom and yet will not be established in Vairagya as you are attached to the body, attached to your little belongings. You see a Vairagi with body is smeared with ash, but he will fight for a rupee if he finds you giving a rupee to another Vairagi. So Vairagya is a mental disposition, living amidst luxurious things, but mind remains Unpolluted!
Love, light & Peace ~ Jai Shiva Shankar ~ Jai Adiyogi Shambhu!

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