Wednesday 1 July 2015

The ego does not feel at ease, with molehills, it wants mountains.

The ego does not feel at ease, with molehills, it wants mountains. Even if it is a misery, it should not be a molehill, it should be an Everest. Even if it is miserable, the ego doesn’t want to be ordinarily miserable; it wants to be extraordinarily miserable! People go on and on, creating big problems out of nothing.All problems are bogus, you create them because without problems you feel empty. There is nothing to do, nothing to fight with, nowhere to go. You create problems so that you can feel that life is a great work, a growth, and you have to struggle hard.The ego can exist only when it struggles, when it fights. Please look what you are doing, First you create a problem, then you go in search of a solution. Just exactly in the beginning, when you are creating the problem, is the solution – don’t create it!” You don’t have any problems; only this much has to be understood. Enlightenment is not something to be achieved, it is just to be lived. The ego needs some problems. If you understand this, in the very understanding the mountains become molehills again, and then the molehills also disappear. Suddenly there is emptiness, pure emptiness all around. This is what enlightenment is all about – a deep understanding that there is no problem. Then, with no problem to solve, what will you do? Immediately you start living. You will eat, you will sleep, you will love, you will sing, you will dance. What else is there to do? You have become a god, you have started living! If people can dance a little more, sing a little more, be a little more crazy, their energy will be flowing more, and their problems will by and by disappear. Live, dance, eat, sleep, do things as totally as possible. And remember again and again: whenever you catch yourself creating any problem, slip out of it, immediately. ~ Osho
Jai Shiva Shankar ~ Om Namah Shivaya!

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