Saturday 2 May 2015

Survival Guide For Mass Karma -1

Survival Guide For Mass Karma -1
What is our individual karma from the world today? There are warnings from the great sages and masters with their intuitive perceptions who decipher and predict the fate of countries in times of peace and war. Mass karmic effects are becoming more increasingly visible with major destructive earthquakes, the great shaking of the worldwide economy, moral decay, political corruption, disturbances in the weather and the shaky equilibrium of war and peace between nations.
Flooding tsunamis are causing tremendous upheavals in the lives of millions which result from the action and thoughts of man. Most people feel we are helpless puppets from the world environment and feel the cause for discouragement, but we can change what we created. It does not have to be this way. The root of the crisis is a moral decay of epidemic proportions. Japan’s great earthquake and hurricane Katrina were no accident and there is more to come, much more.
What is the difference between karmic destiny and fate? Karma is not fate; fate is when you are not making any spiritual effort and therefore you are totally manipulated by mass karma. Not only you do have your own karma, you have the city karma in which you live and the state in which you live, the country in which you live, the planet, the solar system, and the galaxy. There are at least another fifty of the various types of karma which affect our lives. All people are subject to mass karma as well as individual karma. Any earthquakes, wars or natural cataclysms are the result of mass karma that may affect many whose individual karma may not warrant it except that they were in that environment at the time and you cannot avoid mass karma unless you make a deep spiritual effort.
Only then you may be spared. The huge earthquake in Japan and Hurricane Katrina was no accident or act of God; the earthquakes in Pakistan and China were no accidents brought on by themselves. If you live in earthquake country you can be certain that you will be affected by an earthquake, small or large depending on the cycle and other factors. Do you want to be stuck in the middle of a large earthquake, or some other type of natural disaster? Of course you don't, so now you must make the effort to avoid being caught up in one. How do you avoid mass karma? You must disconnect yourself from what other people are doing, that's all. The great masters say that seclusion is the price of greatness because you begin to remove yourself from the mass karma which can explode at any time, or anywhere.
Om Namah Shivay

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