Tuesday 7 July 2015

Memory is a funny thing. Some memories slip away and we can barely recall them a week later. Others hold tight, nestling in a corner of our brains, and pop out when we least expect them. Whatever the memory good or bad, it’s essential to just do our best. Let go the bad memory, Live in the present. Learn to forgive, forgiveness is not saying what they did was ok, it’s just saying that we refuse to hold the pain of the emotional wounds that they gave us

Memory is a funny thing. Some memories slip away and we can barely recall them a week later. Others hold tight, nestling in a corner of our brains, and pop out when we least expect them. Whatever the memory good or bad, it’s essential to just do our best. Let go the bad memory, Live in the present. Learn to forgive, forgiveness is not saying what they did was ok, it’s just saying that we refuse to hold the pain of the emotional wounds that they gave us. Say goodbye to those memories. Happiness is the art of never holding in your mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed.” Ground yourself. Find peace in meditation, connect with the one who never leaves you. SHIVA! He never forsakes! You are hurting yourself by holding these feelings of anger in your body. People hurt you, they leave you, they give you emotional wounds. Walk away. The battle they are fighting is with themselves. Learn to understand that You handled the situation as best as You could. At the time that was good enough. Learn that sometimes the most devastating events hold the most important lessons in life. It’s pushing through the fog of pain to reach the learning that is the key to living. Learn that left alone for extended periods of time, these feelings only grow. Connect with people who support you. They don’t always know what to say or how to fix it, but their efforts say something very powerful to a sad soul. Their efforts say, very quietly, “I love you,” and very often it’s those three simple words that can heals many wounds! Find happiness in such positive people, be good and kind to yourself, Give the world the best you have. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.!! Love, Light & Peace ~ Boom Shankar !!!

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